engineering physics | ubc | resume
Future astronaut-engineer-lawyer-chef who also wants to be a professional gamer. Paints the world using watercolours and MATLAB.

user interface

Live Screenshots

UBC Sailbot: MicroTransat UI January 2014 - Present

NOTE: website not live yet! UBC Sailbots is making a boat that can autonomously travel across the Atlantic! I designed the UI for the boat and how we will track it. This was the first time I actually developed for mobile and used media queries. Core of the UI is a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python and it's still an ongoing project that I'm contributing to weekly!

SMART amp: Messaging January 2014 - May 2014

SMART Technologies decided to give us interns a project to work on during our co-op term. Our goal was to develop a production level product and we chose to work on a messaging client for SMART amp! This chat client is persistent and has a really neat feature where it attaches the location on the workspace to your chat message, so collboration is a lot easier! I primarily worked on the front-end of this project by designing the UI and programming it in CSS, Ember.JS and HTML.


You Know Nothing Jon Snow-BotMay 2014 - August 2014

Thanks to Runor for the SolidWorks model and Bryan for the arm sketch and Etienne for building some of the circuits! Clearly inspired by Game of Thrones, You Know Nothing Jon Snow-bot, or Jon Snow-bot for short, is a tape following, IR detecting and artifact collecting autonomous robot! Go to its dedicated website linked above if you're more curious because it contains a lot more photos and information about our little autonomous robot.

IB Compendium2012 Download Coming Soon!

Ah, the IB Compendium, my first real graphic design project, and boy have I learned a lot since then. I mean, it is hard to fit so many photos and information on a page. My style has changed and grown but these do still look really nice. All these pages were designed by myself using Adobe Photoshop and the full compendium can be downloaded from the link above!

Misc. Web Design2009-2012

some photographs

Some Photographs2012-Present

I love taking candid photos and events just to capture memories, and of course to remember all the delicious meals I've eaten. I use photography as a diary of the important events of my life.
© 2014 Eleanor Wong